Special applications

Pile-GPS 3D: Automation System with GPS and Laser for Photovoltaic and Road Construction Pile Drivers

Applications: Equipment:

Setpoint System for Telemonitoring and Telecontrol according to HEDNO requirements

Applications: Equipment: ,

Guidance of Backhoe Excavator with GPS

The TerraMine GPS System provides accurate and reliable guidance for excavation operations.
Using GPS technology, the system allows the exact location and recording of excavator positions, improving efficiency and reducing errors.

Applications: Equipment:

Marine-3D-GPS: Using GPS for Navigation of Floating Machinery:
– Easy Drill Floating Guide for Placing Abutments
– Float Guidance with Perforator
– Float Guidance, Cason Installation

Applications: Equipment:

Compactobar – Compaction Measuring System for Paver (Roller)

Applications: Equipment: