TERNA – Ionia Odos, Amfilochia construction site
3D Automation System Leica Pavesmart 3D in Finisher Vogele 1900-3i.
PROJECT: Ionia Odos E/X Amfilochia
SURVEYORS: Costas Serdenes, Vassilis Tsiligiannis
EQUIPMENT: Pavesmart 3D Computer, 3xTS15 Robotic, 3xTCPS29-S Radio modems, 2xPrism MPR122
The digital study of the project (Digital Terrain Model) is imported with a USB stick to the 3 Robotic Geodetic Stations (Leica TS15) and to the computer of the Pavesmart3D System.
Each of the 2 Geod. TS15 stations are followed at all times by the corresponding prism (one left/one right). The 3D Panel compares the instantaneous actual position of the slab with the desired position according to the study.

The deviation of the actual from the desired position is eliminated, as the computer commands the plate to raise/lower. Also, the computer gives an order for the automatic sideshift of the plate, as well as the automatic steering of the machine.
The third TS15 (Spare) is used to switch the TS15 further away so that the machine does not have to stop (Leapfrog method).

The advantages of the Leica Pavesmart 3D System are accuracy (+/- 5mm), speed (~6m/s) and savings in materials (3A, sutures), fuel and personnel (workers/surveyors).
For applications with a slab opening of less than 6.5m, 2 Geod. TS15 stations. The Stations alternately check one side of the plate (1 prism), while the other side will be checked with an inclinometer.
The same Pavesmart 3D System can also be installed on all makes and models of the following machines:
Milling machine, Curb & Gutter, Slipform paver, Mainline Paver (Gomaco, Wirtgen, G&Z, PowerCurber).
MOBA-Matic and MOBA Big Sonic Ski systems can easily be upgraded to Pavesmart 3D.